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Maybe If they would just mind their own buisness, my problems would be fixed. One day while I was in class, my Trig teacher came and questioned the scars on my arms/wrists. I said ' Oh, I got attacked by a cat..' Her reply was ' That's something you should report to animal control.' I told her I would think of doing that, and continued with my paper. She then insisted on.... I guess, outing me. As she said ' That's more than a cat, stand up..' My cheeks flushed and I said ' No, I really don't need to, It's just a cat. I provoked it.' But she insisted, grabbing my arm, pulling me up to the view of the now onlooking class. She held up my arms.... and spoke the words... 'This damaged teenager is a true example of the selfless, meaningless, insane act of self harm... Take notes guys, you should never end up like this.' As she continued, I simply sat down, with a little force I guess. She gave me this look, as if to say, you're meaningless and hopeless, I want people to tease you and laugh at you calling you 'emo' in the halls. As if they didn't already.. After class she held me back, wanting to take pictures of my arms to put up on her Instagram. I simply rejected this and then she threatened to call my eldest sister and tell her about this if I didn't let her take at least one photo for the school website. So.... after much deep thought, I let her take a picture of my left wrist.... The next day, there was pictures up on Facebook, sourced from a post by 'Anonymous' on the school website. The picture had been edited as a photo of my wrist, and words pasted on cleverly resembling my arm and the story behind it. The only actual word I noticed was the word in bold, in the middle.... ' Nothing..' A word I can deeply relate to. The post had been liked over 155 times and eventually I put an anonymous tip into the suggestion box outside the office, saying that it's highly offensive to people with stories behind their cuts..... It was taken down, but a copy was sent out on Myspace to every student who still had it. Words will stick like glue, but opinions will be imprinted on your forehead like ink.... they stay there forever.. -True Story-
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Maybe If they would just mind their own buisness, my problems

5 faves · May 9, 2014 3:20am





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