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Even though we've been waiting for tomorrow to come for so many years, ever since we were little.. Because tomorrow is finally your 18th birthday. What did being 18 mean to us awhile ago? What got both of our attention the most was being able to do whatever without having our parents permission and for them not saying we can't. Well, tomorrow is finally your 18th birthday.. We've always talked about how excited we would be and how we can't wait for it come.. Well, it's here tomorrow and knowing you aren't here for it tears me apart. I'm dreading tomorrow like crazy..
I sat at your headstone on friday night and just cried and cried.. I don't even know why I go there because I know you aren't there, but i just always get these feelings inside me that I need to get there on some days and I feel like it's you trying to get my attention somehow. I've gone there even when your headstone was covered in 5 feet of snow and I was there for a few hours just to shovel a path way and to shovel your headstone off. I'll be out there tomorrow with a bunch of your favorite flowers, even though with the cold they'll probably die.. But that's the most I can possibly give to you anymore.. You deserve them. They're absolutely beautiful.. Just like you were.
I miss you so much baby, I just wish with everything in me that you would just be able to come home once more.. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you that morning. It eats me alive on the inside everyday.
Tomorrow isn't going to be easy and I'm going to need all the strength in the world to help get through.
You're forever and always my best friend, my ride or die, my main girl.
Rest In Heaven my Angel.  


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..... Even though we've been waiting for tomorrow to come

3 faves · Mar 24, 2014 9:38am





missingyou · iloveyoubaby · away messages

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