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Yes, I'm a girl. 
No, that doesn't mean I'm a feminist.

Why, you ask? Because I have more important things on my mind about whether or not nuns should be forced to fund contraceptives. How about we worry about other problems in the world then about how oppressed females are. What about the children in Ethiopia who may not even have a meal tonight? What about them?

I have better things to do then scream and rant at people about how terribly me and my entire gender population is being treated. If you're as empowered as you say you are, then get up and do something about it instead of just sitting there feeling sorry for yourself.

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Yes, I'm a girl. No, that doesn't mean I'm a feminist.

1 faves · 16 comments · Jan 30, 2014 6:51pm





seriously · getreal · inspirational

Primadonna* · 9 years ago
um, I was too tired to elaborate before but, let me tell you something about real life bc, obviously, you live in a little bubble.
Women in third world countries will go hungry bc they're women and not important enough to warrant a meal.
Girls will be married off to men thrice their age and expected to be grateful.
girls will be r a p e d and instead of sympathy be treated like social pariahs bc obviously the most important thing about a girl is her virginity.
Girls won't be sent to school once they get their periods, while menustrating, they'll have to sit in a corner of the house and not eat.
Marital r a p e is still legal in India.
Girls get burned and hung just for wearng jeans
men kill their female children
you know why doctors aren't allowed to tell parents whether the kids a girl or a boy? bc if its a girl, they have an abortion.
Apparently, all women exist for is to have babies
women in saudi arabia can't vote
women in india and pakistan and bangladesh are told that they're husbands have every right to beat, r a p e or insult them
A girl is expected to bring dowry, if its not enough, she is torture by her in-laws.
could go on but, I hope that you've gotten the general idea.
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
all of what you just wrote relates to what i said. you're complaining about all of these injustices against women, but what are you doing to stop it? sitting at your laptop ranting at me is not helping any of these people. i don't live in a 'little bubble' thank you very much. i'm very aware of what goes on in these places. i'm not saying that these aren't real problems, because trust me i know that they are. but if you're so passionate about these things, then go to f.ucking india, saudia arabia, etc. and go f.ucking help instead of sitting at your computer trying to make me see your point. because if you think that will help these people or make me think that you're 'empowered' or whatever, then you're the one living in a little bubble, my friend.

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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
Also, if you thought I was another white girl sitting behind her computer and whining (like you), you're severely wrong. The best thing I can do is educate people.
Girls like you, sitting and complaining while reaping the rewards of feminism in the west p.iss me and every other eastern woman off.
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
I'm sitting at my computer educating you. I live in India.
So, what's you're point? That as an Indian woman I have to hear people like you say feminism doesn't need to exist while you live in your white privileged bubble? You are living in a bubble, poc in first world countries face countless problems. Don't be i n g disrespectful to how badly we're treated just bc you're not.
Your logic is "my house isn't on fire so, fire extinguishers shouldn't exist".
If you're so "concerned" about starving children in Ethiopia, do something about. I'd suggest a book or two to read on the flight their so you'll know about the g e n i t a l mutilation that happens in african countries.
PS: I think watching "saving face", the documentary about acid attck victims in Pakistan would make your bubble go pop but, then again, your bubble may be thicker than your skull.
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
You are literally proving my point right now.
Let's see what I brought up in the quote and how it compares to you.
screaming and ranting - ✓
"empowered" - ✓
not doing anything about it - ✓
sitting there in self pity - ✓

Okay, so you live in India. Even better. Go and do something about it. I doubt that any of these things that you listed are happening to you (genital mutilation, , being married off) because if they are, then you wouldn't be sitting at your computer insulting me so that I agree with you.
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
You do know that educating people about feminism is actually a good thing. I can tell you, I am a much better person than i was bc of feminism. I am doing something about it, telling boys around me about what it's like to be a girl is actually something that happens very rarely in India, the fact that I'm telling them about how uncomfortable they make me when they stare is flipping revolutionary.
I take huge offence to the fact that you think that feminism hasn't changed anything, it has, its banned sati (google it), child marriage and genital mutilation. Feminism is doing wonders for Indian women, the fact that I, am 14 y/o girl am able to get an education and speak out about the fact that basic things like sanitary napkins aren't available in school, is revolutionary. You might want to get off of your high horse and look at the facts- I am a teenage girl in a country that kills its daughters. In a country that blames r.ape on almost anything else, even noodles (I wish I was kidding), but boys.
I am not feeling sorry for myself, my parents give me an education and have brought me up to believe that I'm no less than a boy ( a rare feat in India), I feel sorry for every girl who doesn't believe her life is as important as her brother's.
All I can do rn is tell them and hope they believe me.
Plus, if you don't believe me about whether or not these things happen, google it, read a newspaper they are happening. I personally know people who've been married off young (one of my old maids got married off at eleven and had both her children before she turned 18 and my driver's elder brother married off his 15 y/o daughter), the fact that is illegal has only reduced cases, not completely stopped it. The only way to change it is to educate people, change their mindset.
Your move.
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
You've got to be kidding me. You're contradicting what you're saying. You're trying to tell me that feminism in your country is "revolutionary," and how it's made so much progress, but then you're also telling me that r.pe is blamed on anything except boys, etc. I'm going to assume that this doesn't happen in India, but in America, anyone can get . Girls r.pe girls, girls r.pe boys, boys r.pe boys, and boys r.pe girls. Also, I don't believe that I ever said that educating people on these things are wrong.
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
You're going to make an assumption base on one statement. Anyone can get r a p e d. But, when politicians blame it on noodles and cell phones, we have to admit we have a problem. Feminism has made a lot of progress, made things better for some people. Not all people, not women in rural areas. Feminism is the only party that is genuinely interested in educating these people.
Also, beyoncé is a feminist so,
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
When politicians blame r.ape on noodles and cell phones then it's time to stop ranting about feminism for a few minutes and overthrow your government. That's revolutionary. Helping 25% of the population is not revolutionary, because what about the other 75%? Also, wtf does beyonce have to do with this?
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
How is it 75%, the ratio is weird but not that weird. Feminism isn't about taking anything away from men, its about men treating women like human beings i.e., not r.aping, not hitting, not throwing acid on, or in general abusing women.
You're the stubborn one, you wanted examples, i gave them to you, so, now you're telling me to overthrow my government? I'm not even angry, I'm exhausted at how a lot of girls refuse to believe that feminism is necessary. It is, it helped me, it helped my mom, and it will continue to help people, not just women. It'll help men who feel like they can't express their feelings bc of the whole "macho man"gender role which is prevalent everywhere.
Tell me, why do you find it so hard to accept that feminism is important and necessary? Is it bc u don't want to be "like other girls"? Is it bc u have a twisted, convoluted idea about feminism? I don't understand.
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
[Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy]
Yes, I do think that at this point in time feminism is unnecessary. Why does it have to only protect women? Why don't they enforce laws forbidding all kinds of assault/abuse, whether it's directed at men, women, children, or animals? Why are women the only ones that deserve to be protected? Because they're so oppressed that they deserve special treatment and everyone else can go to hell? I'm sorry but I'm not a feminist. I don't think that women should have rights different from anyone else just because of their gender. In America, if a woman murders someone, she'll get 20 years prison time. If a man does the exact same crime under the same circumstances, he'll get 50 years to life. This what I have a problem with.
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
You really need to hit up on intersectional feminism. Feminism is about COMPLETE AND TOTAL EQUALITY for men and women. That includes jail time, alimony, custodial rights, opportunities etc.
saying that you don't feel the need for feminism bc you don't feel oppressed is just plain selfish.
You clearly have absolutely no idea what feminism is. As a gay brown girl, I can tell you that feminism is very much required in third world, and developed countries. Feminism is not just for women, it is a fight against patriarchy, not men. It is a fight against all stereotypes, wether or not they affect only women, or a certain race. Also, doesn't Sam Pepper's video, with home grabbing women's buts without their permission prove this need? Doesn't the recent phenomenon of "love jihad" in North, Central India prove this? Really?
The feminism that you have a problem with isn't real.
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
Um, sorry I didn't reply for literally four months I kinda needed a break from witty.
Anyway, let me just begin with the Sam Pepper thing. I can see why you would consider it to be a feminist issue, but I don't. I see it as an issue in upbringing. Most people know not to go up to random women on the street and grope them. Just the same as most people, for example, know not to just go up to a random person and kiss them. It's creepy, yes, but if you were taught anything about personal space as a kid, you'd know not to do either of these things. That matter aside, I do know what feminism is. The premise of it is great and I applaud it. On the other hand, as a 21st century, "privileged", white, straight, girl, I despise what feminism has turned into. It disgusts me how men are constantly demonized in the name of feminism, and that's the issue I have with it. I have an issue with people that cry out "equality", until they are the ones on the privileged end, and then the ones on the other side can go to hell. Take the buzzfeed article published yesterday, " The Butt Of Every Football Player In The Super Bowl, Ranked" for example. If they were ranking the Australian Open Women's Final butts, there would be HUMONGOUS cries of "misogyny" and "sexism". But no, since it's men, it's all okay, nothing's said about it. So yes, the feminism that I have a problem with is very real.
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cloverchild · 9 years ago
I'm seriously laughing at all of your comments right now because it's evident that you're an arrogant know-it-all. And you have too much pride to admit that I'm actually making a valid point. Your logic right now is "I'm living through these issues so I'm most informed about them.". That's like me saying, "Since my dad died in 9/11, I know ALL the facts of what happened that day."
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
Actually, those are two completely different things. Not only am I living through them, I also have more exposure to this (newspaper, textbooks, magazines, articles online, word of mouth, seminars in school etc.)
I'm not proud, you're stubborn and your logic is- "bad things don't happen to women and if it does, its women in other countries. Don call me out on it, I bet you're not doing anything either."
I would laugh at your ignorance but, this is a serious topic.
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
you are very wrong about this.
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