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Ive known you since the 8th grade theres so much to say i can't believe your gone i talked to like 4 days ago the last thing i told you was to take care of your self and that i love you..... i was ganna come suprise you and see ali your baby boy. hes only 6 months old i can't believe what i heard asil I love you and always will you were more than a best friend you were a sister to me :'(  nothing will be the same without you..... im heart broken i couldnt breath when i heard the news i was going crazy asil habibteh inti.. allah yerhameek RIP your gone but not forgotten every memory we had 2gether wont be forgotten......... My last words to you were "take of your self" I cant believe it.... Imma ganna miss you so much </3
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Ive known you since the 8th grade theres so much to say i can't

3 faves · Jan 22, 2014 12:59am





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