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The best thing about witty, is you can write personal thoughts and feelings, and never worry about being judged
you can express yourself, and know others feel the same way, as you, even though I don't know who anybody on witty
really is, I know exactly who you are, your the girl talking about the guy you have liked for so long, but feel invisiable to him, like he'll never
feel the same, you're the person who is incredibly funny, always making jokes, although at school your quiet and shy, you're the person
who has there heartbroken not once but so many times by people who you thought would never hurt you. You feel a lone ever else but witty,
witty is the only place you feel you can be the real you.
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The best thing about witty, is you can write personal thoughts

2 faves · Jan 3, 2014 2:29pm





wittypeople · isnttruethough · inspirational

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