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Welp, today my 15 year old brother told me he doesn't like emos... When I asked him why he said that he doesn't like people who cut or self-harm. I tried telling him that sometimes they do it to feel something, or they use it as an out or vice, but he wouldn't listen. He also told me that there's this emo girl in the grade behind him who says she's going to kill herself, and he's told her to just do it or something like that.....why must my brother be such a judgmental jock? He and I are such opposites.
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Welp, today my 15 year old brother told me he doesn't like emos...

5 faves · 6 comments · Sep 15, 2013 5:01pm

*compassionate soul*


*compassionate soul*


brother · sigh · emos · story

Cameron* · 1 decade ago
I totally know how you feel, girl.
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*compassionate soul* · 1 decade ago
It sucks :/
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Cameron* · 1 decade ago
I know right? Like, I told my brother I bet he was one of those stupid people who hate people with depression and he admitted it! Like, do you think they have the choice to choose to be sad or happy?! I'm happy at least my other brother told him that Depression was a real mental illness, he, at least, sorta stuck up for them.
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*compassionate soul* · 1 decade ago
Yeah, exactly. Some people just don't get it though....I mean just because what someone else does to their body may disturb you doesn't mean you have to dislike every one who does it. My mom used to cut, but my brother just brushes that fact off like it's nothing.

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Cameron* · 1 decade ago
Well, maybe your brother just doesn't like thinking about it, like, maybe it makes him feel bad or he's scared about it or something. And, I agree with you during the first part.
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*compassionate soul* · 1 decade ago
Yeah, maybe you're right, maybe he is scared about it, or it just really bothers him. And yeah, cuz it's not fair
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