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The never released fairytale
Chapter 2
I figured it was evening when a man entered the room. Due to the covered windows I could only guess that I'd spent quite a long time on lying on the floor, unable to move because my face hurt and my body just wouldn't gain strength.
My parents never hit me (if you can even still call that hitting, what the guy did to me).
Apparently, the guy who first talked to me didn't like that I didn't say my name, not at all. He told me I was so stupid and he would teach me a lesson, so I would never ever refuse to answer a question again.
He held my shirt and pressed my torso against the hard floor with one hand. With the other, he rammed his fist into my face. About ten times. Until my face felt like it would've become part of the floor.
Then, all men left and to the very moment one came back, I didn't dare to move one inch.
The man brought me some food and something to drink. It wasn't much food, maybe only one slice of bread, and the glass was small. He looked nicer than that other one, even smiled.
“You should eat. It isn't much, but you need it.” he told me and I tried to sit up. My arms were almost too weak to bring my body up.
“Thank you” I murmured, looking at the food.
The man still wouldn't leave and I lifted the bread to my mouth, which really hurt as I tried to open it. My skin felt like it would tear apart if I would move. I managed to eat the bread, trying to ignore the pain. By then I realized there was also a pitcher and a cloth.
“Hold on. I'll clean your face.” He took the cloth and dipped it into the pitcher. When he touched my skin, it really burned and I let out a sharp gasp.
“What is your name, anyway?” he asked. I began to think he could be the one treating me good, the one I could refer to.
“I'm Steven. How old are you?”
“Fourteen.” Steven wheezed and lay the cloth into the pitcher.
I took the glass and drank the water.
How pathetic this was. Almost like what you hear of prison food – water and bread.
Steven left, carrying everything and I was alone. Again.

Fortunately I found sleep short after Steven left. Unfortunately, my sleep was interrupted when I felt someone removing my clothes. I could barely see a thing in the darkness, but fear approached me, telling me I should do something. I tried to yank way, but someone gripped my arms and I realized my clothes were already gone. My heart beat increased and I now also felt hands on my legs, pulling them apart.
“Now, let's have some fun.”, someone whispered in my ear.
To that very moment, I was still a virgin and have never kissed a boy.
Both was taken from me that night.

Comment for a reminder.
Previous Chapter: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6859236
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The never released fairytale Chapter 2 I figured it was evening

2 faves · 3 comments · Sep 15, 2013 12:07pm





theneverreleasedfairytale · notthebestwriter · story

doublesidedice · 1 decade ago
Wow. This is really good. I like the writing. Thanks for notifying me :D
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*blushes* · 1 decade ago
Aw thanks a lot *-*
You're welcome (: Oh btw, I uploaded a new chapter
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doublesidedice · 1 decade ago
Yay :) ill read it :3
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