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Once again I find myself coming back to this site to reminisce, this time being way more difficult since I couldn't remember my username so I had to think of any possible username my 14 year old self would have made. I read all of my quotes, most of them seemed to be stolen from other sites or quoted from movies because I lacked originality back then.. and still do. But the quotes that were straight from myself and my own thoughts really showed a lot about me and how as my life changes all those things that I thought and felt back then never really changed, well except for my spelling I think I've improved since then. My last quote on here was similar to this one but was made 3 years ago after my freshman year of highschool. I am now 18 years old and heading off to my freshman year of college which is insane. A lot has happened within these three years. I struggled to be happy with who I was and trying to fit in. I had to deal with my weaknesses just like anyone else. I still haven't had my first kiss but now I realize that it doesn't matter love will find me eventually but the more I chase after it the more it seems out of reach. I've realized that the ones that stick with you until the end aren't exactly the ones you've had in mind all this time. Looking back I never would have imagined my life changing this much. it wasn't so much myself that changed but it was the people around me. I have hardly any of the same friends as I did three years ago and that one friend that I have had since the beginning is the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of being friends with. I love her to death and she's like a little sister. I hope to one day influence her to make the right choices and help her down a path of success. She is at the same point in her life as I was when I made my last quote on here. The worst is yet to come but hopefully with the right choices and an open mind all will be well with her. My sister is getting married in 6 weeks and I never would have imagined that happening three years ago. I couldn't be happier for her and david and I hope when the urge to look back on this site again and read all my quotes they are still in love and completely happy with each other. 2013 is a year to remember. This is the year of endless possibilities and the year when everything I thought was true flipped. I am completely amazed by how much has changed. I can't get over the fact that I can come on WittyProfiles and see things that I posted years ago. It's like a time machine. I hope that when I come back on here in about 3-4 years maybe sooner I am doing well in school.. I finally find myself a boyfriend... and I make new friends that will treat me well... and also keep the friends I adore the most... I also need to remember how much my mom has been there for me no matter what happens always always always keep your mom with you. Take a deep breath and keep chugging on because I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend. Also remember that your life begins at the end of your comfort zone so break out of that rock hard shell and be the person you want to be.
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Once again I find myself coming back to this site to reminisce,

1 faves · Aug 8, 2013 4:25am





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