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She's Alone
// pr ol og ue \\

It doesn't matter if people seem happy, that doesn't mean they are not sad, depressed, or alone. People don't realize that the people that are smiling and laughing in public, are really going home crying because of how the really about life. That's exactly what I am, sad and alone. It sucks going from having the greatest best friend, sweetest boyfriend, and best parents to having no one. I don't understand why people have stabbed me in the back when I have done nothing but be there for them. My sister and I used to be really close, but then a few words slipped, and I would never forgive her again. There's so much to my story that you don't know that I have to tell. Well I might as well get started, and first thing I'm going to say is, "My name is Evelyn."

NOTE: Okay, so you got me! I miss you guys so much, I'm going to try writing again. This story is called "She's Alone" and basically it's gonna be about myself, but with a different life story. So, please leave me feedback. Do you like? Sorry it is short, I mean it is a prologue and I'm known for short prologues.

This is my realest story, give me critism, but people try not to be rude about what the story is about.
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She's Alone // pr ol og ue \\ It doesn't matter if people

44 faves · 2 comments · Jul 25, 2013 10:15am





story · xforeverlovedxback · shesalone

xoMentToBe · 1 decade ago
I have a feeling this story is going to be great c:
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inlovewithfinnharries · 1 decade ago
Notify please when the chapter comes out
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