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Her: It's better if we don't do this.

He: But I love you.

Her: I love you too but we shouldn't

He: I can't not be in love with you. 

Her: We both have to try. 

He: Why can't we be in love?

Her: Because we want different things in our life. You want to have a simple life, a nice family. But I want to follow my dream. I want to travel and see every place in this world.

He: But I can't let you go. 

*Pulls her into a hug and they hug each other*

Her: I have to go now. 

He: Just stay here, for now. In my arms.

Her: No, I can't.

He: Five more minutes.

Her: I have to go.

He: Five more seconds.

Her: No. 

*She pulls away from him*

He: You couldn't even hug me for five more seconds.

Her: I love you. 

He: Then why did you stop hugging me?

Her: Because if I stayed in your arms for a second longer, I wouldn't be able to let go. 
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Her: It's better if we don't do this. He: But I love

6 faves · Jun 1, 2013 9:26am





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