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summer falls
by: me :)
chapter 1

jenna is an outgoing girl that loves to swim and have fun and she loves to hangout with her guy friends but the guy mike that she likes and has been talking to  thinks she likes them and not him ... mike  hates the fact that she is always hanging with her friends and won't have time for him .. well one day mike calls jenna and says i think you hangout with you friends to much and dont have time for a guy in your life.jenna says what mike i have time for you and mike says i hardly don't think you do  and you are giving me sing that you are not ready and i want to be with someone  that is ready for it  not someone that is not going to be ready for a while jenna says i love you mike i always have i will stop talking to my friends if thats what you want and mike says jenna thats not what i said don't put words in my mouth all i said was i don't think your ready but if you think your ready hun then let me know and jenna says to mike well i dont know because of the way you been acting i am starting to not like you because you are telling me i cant hangout with my friends and i don't like that in any guy and mike says jenna i am not trying to make it hard on you or anything and i am not trying to make it so you dont like me i am trying to find a way to show you i care i just dont want you always hanging with your guy friends you hang with them alot and jenna says i am sorry and i will stop talking to them if you want me too i will do what ever it takes to be with you mike you make me happy and mike says ok but you dont have to stop talking to them but you sould spend time with me some too plzz if thats ok with you .
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summer falls by: me :) chapter 1 jenna is an outgoing girl that

1 faves · May 25, 2013 12:03pm





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