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I used to talk to this kid everyday.
As time went on,  we began to like each other.
4 months down the road, I find out he's talking to someone else...

I was heartbroken.
It was his hockey manager (yes, he plays hockey) 
A few weeks later, they started dating
I was even more heart broken
I was so upset
I really liked him, and I couldn't see myself with anyone else.
But they say time heals all wounds,
so I moved on.

One day I got a text,
it was from him...
I didn't want to talk to him, but then I did.
He asked me for my snapchat and we snapchatted all day.
"I need to tell you something..."
"Sure, what is it?"
"I can't tell you... So I'll snapchat it to you..."

A few minutes later I got a snapchat from him,
It was a picture and the caption said,
"I still have feelings for you.." 
He set the timer for 2 seconds, so i couldn't look at it long.

I was in so much shock.
I was so happy too.
I missed him so much.
He tells me that his feelings never went away and he wants to be with me and not his girlfriend.

It's a few weeks later down the road and I'm so happy to be with him.
We're not dating yet, but we will be soon :)
So girls, things may seem bad now,
but just wait...
HE might come back around.
I'm not promising you that is he gonna come back.
Don't give up just yet  
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READ!!! I used to talk to this kid everyday. As time went on,

5 faves · 1 comments · Mar 8, 2013 11:15am





love · boys · hockey · again

Julielool · 1 decade ago
cutee . (:
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