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Lonely World Chapter 6 Part 2
Veronica POV:
When I opened the door leading into the girls bathroom T\the first thing i heard was the sound of her soft sobbing.
She came out of the bathroom stall and she looked like a complete mess.
"What are you doing here?" She asked me.
I ignored that question "Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay to you?"
I didn't feel like arguing so I dropped it.
I wrapped my arms around her knowing that sometimes a hug from a friend is what people need when they are crying.
She hesitated at first but then returned the hug whispering "Thank you" then pulled away.
"I think you might need some new friends" I said.
"Yeah. no kidding. But I'm not sure Stephanie will allow that to happen."
"You're welcome to sit with me at lunch. If you want." I offered. I thought maybe she isn't as bad as a person as I thought and certainly not as bad as Stephanie.
She looked as if she was debating the awnser to that question.
"Well I guess it's better than sitting alone." Now thats the Rachel I knew.
I nodded "We better head to class before we get caught for ditchng.
"You go ahead I'm gonna clean up" She told me
I nodded once again and headed back to class.


Lunch time rolled around and I met up with Rachel on the lunch line.
Of course everybody was staring at us wondering what Rachel was doing with a loser like me.
Guess they haven't found out about Stephanie's and Rachel's 'big fight' which is unusual because gossip in our school spreads like wildfire.
When we got to the lunch table Eric was already sitting down eating his lunch.
We sat across from him.
He raised on eyebrow at me as to say 'what is she doing here'
I gave him a glare to warn him that he better be nice.
"I hate to break it to you but you're at the wrong table."
So much for being nice.
"Veronica invited me here." She awnsered showing no emotion
"What not afraid your precious social status will go down."
This time it was her turn to give him a glare.
That conversation quickly came to an end and boy was I glad.
By the end of lunch you could say that me and Eric were warming up to her. She wasn't someone I would normally think to be friends with, this should end well.

Authors Note:
Ugh, more boring chapters. I'M TRYING HERE. LOL. I had to get through this part for it to actually start to get intresting but I think it's picking up. Feedback?
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Lonely World Chapter 6 Part 2 Veronica POV: When I opened the

0 faves · Feb 15, 2013 9:00pm





story · friends · highschool