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On my street we have a few types of people...

The Wyotech guys: Loud cars. Parties on Friday's, often come home drunk.
The drunks: Fight in the street. Police get called on them about 5 times a month. Annoying little $h!t for a kid who often spends time in out yard until someone yells at him.
The young small family: Uh... their dog got out once.
The druggies: They yell to the drunks at about 4 am. ANOTHER ANNOYING CHILD.
Pedo: Lives in the duplex on the corner... gives all the kids on the street creepy looks.
Young nice couple: Live right next door. Sometimes they watch our dogs, sometimes we watch theirs. The guy plays hockey. Sometimes they have parties, but they're never very loud.
Then there's us... Kenneth (my 18 yr old brother) and I have stereo wars everyday. When the neighbors fight outside we sit on the property line and watch them. When Jayden's (21 yr old brother) home we have parties.

**Wyotech is a local trade school**
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On my street we have a few types of people... The Wyotech guys:

1 faves · Jan 28, 2013 10:29pm





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