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Long Shot

Chapter 25 - "Intentional or not, I don't think we saw it coming"

I wake up with a horrible headache. The room seems too bright, the air too hot. I slowly sit up, half expecting to see Nicole sound asleep next to me. Instead, I see Amber. The events that occurred last night instantly replay in my mind and I feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I slip out of bed, quickly pulling my clothes on. Amber opens her eyes. “What’s the matter, Caleb?” she asks sleepily. “Get dressed, and get out of here! Last night wasn’t supposed to happen” I shout. Amber gives me a sly smile. “Whatever you say, baby.” I barely even hear her. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to say to Nicole. Should I tell her that I cheated on her. In the end, I decide its better that she never knows.

Nicole's P.O.V

 “Hi baby” I say, hugging Caleb. “I missed you.” It feels wonderful to be back home. Something’s wrong though, I mean Caleb seems a bit tense. “Are you okay?” I ask, concerned. Caleb nods lightly before kissing me. But his mind is somewhere else though. I push him away. “What’s wrong?” I insist. “I’m fine honest, please Nicole, just stop” Caleb replies, sounding aggravated. “I’ve had enough work at the office this weekend okay?” He’s not angry, he’s irritated. He’s hiding something. I twist my lip, I do that out of habit when I’m upset, or annoyed. “Alright, fine, I’ll stop “I say, brushing past him.

“That’s what I get for worrying about you “I mumble.

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Long Shot Chapter 25 - "Intentional or not, I don't

7 faves · Jan 25, 2013 10:11pm





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