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To tell you the truth,
I dont know where I'm going with this quote.
I guess I'll start from where I left off on my other really long quote...
Me and that 16 year old I dated over the summer...
Well, Its december now.
Annd, In August.. August 25th to be exact..
He stole it. Well, took it.. I let him.
All my friends hate me now... So Im left with 2.
He didnt leave me right after..
He still stayed but we werent dating.. But he still stayed in my life.
He slowly started to drift away..
I could feel it.
We would go without talking for a few days, maybe a week.
And then he would randomly talk to me again.
That ended.
We went months without talking..
He'll call me or text me randomly..
And tell me he loves me, or ask if I want to hang out.
Im still in love with him, so everytime I gave in.
But, he used me.
And I knew it but I  didnt want to accept it.
Everyone told me he used me...
He started dating this other girl... and I started dating another guy.
The guy I was dating, and him HATED eachother. Always have.
So, he wouldnt talk to me.
The other night, me and my boyfriend broke up.
Him and his girlfriend broke up a few nights later.
I had started liking his brother...
His name was Drew.
I told Drew I liked him.
Tad, (the one who used me, is his brother)
Tad found out.
He called me, told me he loved me and that I had to stop talking to Drew.
Because "Drew was trying to use me"
I stopped talking to Drew...
And I hung out with Tad the next night...
Tad used me again..
Drew texted me last night...
I had never stopped liking him, We had just stopped talking.
But a night before Tad told me I couldnt talk to Drew..
I found out Drew liked me.
But Drew texted me last night, and we had a normal conversation.
I told him what his brother said.
He said "Yep, Thats Tad for you"
I told Tad that I was done with him and I wasnt going back..
I thought Drew still liked me...
Until today, Drews bestfriend told me Drew didnt like me anymore.
Only as a friend.
And Im hurt..
The point is, over this period of time, Ive become..
Weak, tired, quiet, socially awkward, crying every chance I get..
And I dont know what it is..
Am I depressed..?
Next Quote >

To tell you the truth, I dont know where I'm going with this

1 faves · 1 comments · Dec 22, 2012 5:56pm






21ChanelSmith21 · 1 decade ago
No baby girl you are not depressed you are just tired of being hurt. Just me I was in that state because of Jacob. But now... Because of Tyler I am extremely happy I haven't been this happy in forever. it may be crazy and it may not last forever or it may and I sure as hell hope that it does. But what I am trying to say here is everything happens for a reason. Tad and Drew both hurt you for a reason. Just like Jacob hurt my and I know... actually I know for a fact you deserve better than both of those boys just like I deserved better than Jake. And I found a guy that stole my hear the first day we hung out. <3 So keep you head up. And your options open. Both of those guys are . And you deserve 100 times better than them. I love you beautiful<3 And you have my number.. Well i don't have my phone right now. But I will when the game is over tonight<333
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