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so i just lost my bestfriend, she got mad at me for noo reason what so ever. my mom was there and saw her go from happy to mad and said i didnt do anything! (that was yesterday) And today she wouldnt talk to me, so i didnt get a ride home from her obviously. then she messaged me on fb and said so ur not my friend anymore. i said why? she said u didnt say hi to my mom. I said i didnt reconize her new car, (i really didnt) and u didnt walk with me today..so why would i even if i did see her...... and then she yelled at me for walking home with my friend jess, cuz she doesnt like her...well i was friends with jess longer than her so she has noo right!! so now she messaged me on oovoo and said "sam told me HE DOESNT LIKE YOU!" i said "i knew that, and u know i knew that so dont try to crush me anymore" she didnt answer cuz she knows im right!! soo im done i guess..
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so i just lost my bestfriend, she got mad at me for noo reason

1 faves · 4 comments · Dec 7, 2012 7:15pm






hotpinkpolkadots · 1 decade ago
shes nott worth itt,, if shes willing to lose your friendship over something so trivial shes making a mistake,, dont worry about it,, things will get better !
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Squilliam Fancypants* · 1 decade ago
Hun, that girl is WORTHLESS... One day, when she realizes how FABULOUS you are, she is gonna want you back, dont let her be friends with her. Ignore her, even if it is awkward... Make it clear you dont like her... Message her, we are no longer friends, please do not talk to me any more.. Tell me her reply??
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ilovesammy · 1 decade ago
thank yew!! she wasnt a real friend i dont think though cuz she never went out unless there was this one boy billy there..
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Typical_Kaitlyn · 1 decade ago
I lost my bestfriend in grade 6 and in grade 8. People change and this situation is like my own where people wont accept you for you BUT just don't let anyone change you from being yourself because thats how you'll loose more friends. But along the years you'll loose friends and make new ones. Life goes on, so don't worry
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