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Dear him,
I'd like you to know how I feel right now. You dropped off the face of the earth, leaving me and your best friend to wonder what happened.  You sent me a message saying that you didn't think we should talk anymore.  That your parents didn't think that being with me was a good idea, since we live so far apart.  I figured that maybe, just maybe, you would find a way to talk.  Considering we've been together for over a year now, I thought maybe you cared about me as much as I cared about you.  I loved you.  You were my first lo
ve.  Remember when I told you I loved you for the first time?  It took seven months.  You know it takes me a long time to trust someone, and once I trust, it's hard for me to let go.  I thought you would remember that, when you decided to say goodbye.  I wish I could yell at you and tell you what a douche you are for saying that like you did.  Of course I want to talk to you, stupid, I loved you.  You probably  noticed that I said loved, huh? That is simply because I am getting over you.  Remember when you told me that you couldn't ever stand to lose me?  That someday, some guy would come along and that you would have to fight to keep me?  I  told you that would never happen and  that I would love you forever.  But I never thought that you would be the one who would leave.  I wasn't planning on leaving you, especially not in the way that you left me.  Remember when I told you about the dance at my school last year?  You said that you wish you could've brought me, that we could've danced.  And I told you that while everyone was slow dancing, even though I was asked to dance, I didn't, because the whole night, my  mind was on you, and I wasn't going to dance with anyone but you.  Two days ago we had a dance.  I danced with five other guys.  I didn't think about you at all.  I'd like to do something that you didn't have the balls to do.  I'd like to tell you goodbye.  Thank you for the memories.  I miss you a lot.  You've put me through a lot of tears these last few weeks.  You we're there when I needed you, and I really appreciate that.  I wish we could still talk, even if we aren't going to be together.  But okay.  Thank you for the I love you's, the all nighters, the smiles, calling me beautiful.  I'll never forget that.  I'll never forget you.  And I'm going to move on now.
your first love, Aera


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Dear him, I'd like you to know how I feel right now. You

3 faves · Nov 19, 2012 8:40pm





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