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This has been the longest, hardest, tear-filled night ive ever been through.
i felt my heart break in half, my body shake for hours straight, my eyes produce more tears than i knew were in my body.
he cheated on me.
it broke my heart, but in the end i was strong and let go.
im still crying.. but im proud of myself for being strong.
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This has been the longest, hardest, tear-filled night ive ever

10 faves · 2 comments · Nov 16, 2012 10:03pm





break up

archerygirl · 1 decade ago
Going through the same thing, it gets better trust me he will try to come back they always come back but when he does be strong enough to not take him back, stay strong i promice it gets easier
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Cookiemonster99 · 1 decade ago
Honestly.. He asked me to forgive him so many times. I'm not taking him back.. I deserve better. Buut thaanks for the support(-:
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