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Why is everyone
            thanking Hurricane Sandy for not having school tomorrow? Do you realize how much of a dou.che that makes you sound? You guys realize how serious it is and how much serious damage it could cause you, your life, your family and your community right? C'mon Witty. You guys are better than that.

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Why is everyone thanking Hurricane Sandy for not having school

8 faves · 3 comments · Oct 28, 2012 11:39pm






InOneMoment · 1 decade ago
we're looking on the bright side, I guess
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pandoralova · 1 decade ago
As someone being affected by the storm, I think everyone's saying things like that to forget about the big picture: that we might not have anything to come back to, even if we can only get our minds of the tragic for even a second
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pandoralova · 1 decade ago
As someone being affected by the storm, I think everyone's saying things like that to forget about the big picture: that we might not have anything to come back to, even if we can only get our minds of the tragic for even a second
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