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Dear Wittians, 
Today we should all take the time and stop and think about all the people who have committed suicide. To the families who have lost a loved one who was bullied and sacrificed their life because of their embarrasment and feeling of hatred toward them. To all of you have thought about killing yourself, you should all realize that everyone loves you and cares for you. I am here. Yes ,you may feel lost or alone but trust me you aren't the only one. To all who have judged people ..you should think about what you say before you say it. That one hate comment can effect someone so much. We are all humans on Earth and should all be treated the same. I promise everything will be alright. Just keep a smile on your face , and your day will be amazing. That one smile will spread to others and will change everyones day. So just realize that the only way to prevent sucide  is to smile about everything and everyone to show you stayed strong

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Dear Wittians, Today we should all take the time and stop and

1 faves · Sep 10, 2012 8:16pm






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