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Coping With Distances

Chapter 1

I stare at myself in the mirror, not knowing whether I'm underdressed for the date Chris organised. Although, I guess he expects me to dress up like this; in a caribbean blue dress that comes up to just above my knees and black heels.
Chris had called and asked if I wanted to go on a picnic-date with him. Of course, I had said yes. He had told me that, although our last picnic-dates were very casual, this time I should dress up a little.
There's a knock on my bedroom door and I quickly check my reflection in the mirror before opening it. My black hair's straightened the way I like it, falling around my shoulders, so I open the door. Chris is standing there, wearing half a suit.
By half a suit I mean a pair of black jeans, a suit jacket and a mostly-white t-shirt. He smiles at me as he looks my body up and down. He tells me that I look beautiful as a 'hello' and leads me away from my room.
Five minutes after we leave, we make it to a secluded cliff top. It overlooks the ocean, and now, at seven PM, it doesn't look like the same ocean I ran past this morning. He sits me down on a red and blue blanket, laden with food.
I don't know how he can afford to do things like this - some of our dates must be so expensive.
We just eat the sandwiches for a while, occasionally taking sips of lemonade or diet coke. I felt something shift between us when we first sat down, something awkward. A load of tension suddenly bears down on my shoulders. I notice him taking a few steady breaths, and I have the erge to turn and run.
"Nichole," he starts. "I - er, I have to say something." I swallow and shake my head.
"No-" I say. "No, we're not having any conversation which starts with 'I have to say something'." I tell him sternly. I see a small smile appear on his lips so he scooches closer to me.
"Ok," he starts. "Let's start on a different topic. I have something to give you," he says. I look at him curiously as he pulls a small box from the picnic basket. He opens it and inside is black bead choker necklace. He knows I've been wanting it for a while, and the fact that he bought something so expensive makes me think he's got real news for me.
I push the thought aside and smile as he tells me to turn around so he can put it on me. I hold up my hair and beg to every god I can think of that any news he'll tell me will be good. I turn around to face him again and I'm welcomed back with a kiss.
"Thank you," I tell him quietly, a finger running over the beads.
"My pleasure Nic," he says, wrapping his arms around me. I place my head on his shoulder and I wait patiently for him to speak again. "Can I tell you something now?" He asks.
"Only if it's good," I reply almost immedietely. I expect him to laugh and tell me what's on his mind. But he doesn't. He sits there silently, and I turn my head to face his. He looks down at me and shakes his head, obviously saying 'I can't speak then, can I?'
author's note: This is actually my 602nd quote - whoooaa. :) I'm excited for this story because I've had half of it planned for months and the  rest I'm kinda making up on the spot as my laptop doesn't have Microsoft Word right now :( I always feel that after I write the prologue well, I feel as if the rest of the story's a downer. So could I hear what you think of it? What you think the news will be? Also, comment on this one for a reminder & thankyou for reading.

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Coping With Distances Chapter 1 I stare at myself in the mirror,

9 faves · 4 comments · Sep 10, 2012 11:12am






willowxoxo · 1 decade ago
chris is moving isn't he?! D: oh my reminder.
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just_me13 · 1 decade ago
ooof rough- reminder please!
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ily44forever · 1 decade ago
I think the news is Chris is moving away:((( poor Nichole.
But great story tho:D
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Christopher Robin* · 1 decade ago
You're such an amazing writer, I can't say it enough, I really love being in this story:DDD

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