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- You are my other half. Without you, I’m the dance without the song. Without you, I’m a heart without a soul. Without you, I’m the words without the book. You mean so much to me. There aren’t enough words in the world to explain how much I care about you and how much I need you in my life. You are not just my best friend. You are not just like a sister. You are not just my listener. You are not just my “other half”. You are everything I could ever ask for, you are my shooting star.

- I call you my best friend through the good times and the bad, whenever I loose or if I win. I know one thing that never changes and that’s you as my best friend.

- When I’m asked what one happy thought is, I always say knowing that no matter how big the fight is, I will always have a best friend.
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- You are my other half. Without you, I’m the dance without the

2 faves · Dec 18, 2004 9:38pm






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