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Young Love
Chapter 2 (Scott's P.O.V.)

I saw a beautiful girl walking towards me. i thought she was just gonna joke around and turn around.
I was wrong.
She sat down right next to me.
"Hi!" she said it with a lot of happiness it made me think She was faking.
"my name is maceigh."
"Hi. M-my name is Scott."
I tried not to do anything stupid. she was deffinatley cute. but me and my big mouth had to ask a stupid question of course.
"is this some kind of sick joke?"
What the Hell is wrong with me.
"What? oh no, i just wanted to talk to you. you seemed so lonley and i can't take that."
"well thanks for the concern." I smiled.
"You have a cute smile." she smiled back. she was just beautiful all around.
"Thank you haha. you do to."
"Haha thank you."
"You're welcome." i said, i didn't know what else to say. after what felt like 3 hours of silence, she finally asked a question.
"Where exactly are you from?"
"I used to live in Maine, then i moved to california when i was 8. Then this summer we moved here, to beautiful pennsylvania."
"So you've been all around haven't you? It's gotta be hard to be a new student. i wouldn't  know i have lived in the same old boring house for the past 14 years." She frowned and then laughed, i loved her laugh, it fit her perfectly.
"Well it's not that hard when you have people like you."
"What do you mean?"
"People who aren't afraid to show that they care for the people around them. most people just pick on the new kid. it makes me feel like i will never fit in, like i am nothing to them, and i hate that feeling." she listened to me which barley anybody had done all day. i was gald to have someone to listen to me.
"Well i am always here to listen to you if you ever just need some one to talk to me here," She pulled out a sharpie and grabbed my hand. She wrote her phone number on it.
"What's this for?" i asked.
"Just incase you need to talk to someone, remember i am always here." She smiled again
The bell rang.
"Thanks again for this, uhh."
"Maceigh, thanks."


Mr. smooth is coming out haha? What's up next???
Chapter's Outfits:
Scott: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=58147669
Thank you so much for reading!
Love ya Babe's!
Check out theChapter 1 here:

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Young Love Chapter 2 (Scott's P.O.V.) I saw a beautiful girl

7 faves · Sep 5, 2012 10:19pm






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