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Forgive Me. THREE

"I should go," I check the time on my phone. It's ten minutes past the time I usually celebrate my mom's birthday.  I run away, not hearing Radley saying something to me. I speed off, getting home faster than usual. I pass the orphanage I used to live in, bringing back all the terrible memories. I pull into the parking lot of my apartment complex, and run upstairs. I pull out a picture of my mom, and set it on the table.  I get the cake I made out of the fridge, and put it by the picture. The cake is one of my mom's  recipies, she loved to bake. I light a small candle, and make a wish for her. I sit down, and flick on the TV, while eating some cake. Usually, my dad would come over with me, and talk. But, reality hit him, and he turned to alcohol. 
I wake up with a text from Radley. I forgot I gave him my number before I left. Radley texted me asking if we could hang out again today. I look outside seeing the frost on my window. It really is fall. I sigh, and tell him I'm busy. I lay on the couch, which is also my bed, and turn on a chick-flick. It's just one of those days. Afterall, I'm not exactly lying to him, I really do have stuff to do. I have to go to the bank to cash my check. I sit up on the couch after watching one of those anti-smoking commercials, and go over to my purse. I take my package of cigarettes out, and get one out. I step outside, onto my balcony that I can now barely fit on, and smoke it. Something about it makes me feel guilty, so I put it out. "I'm slowly killing myself, just like my dad..." I mutter to myself. I go inside, and sit at my small table, and put my head in my hands. "I'm slowly killing myself." I keep muttering, until I get the courage to break every one of my cigarettes. I feel good about it too... I smile when I'm done, and text Radley.

///Author's Note: I'm loving the plot of this story, and I hope you are too! I love all of my readers with all my heart. If I don't post it's because I'm busy, but I'll try to post as much as I can, whenever I can. Comment to be notified. Sorry it was short, I'm a little busy with homework!                                                                                                                      \\\\
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Forgive Me. THREE "I should go," I check the time on

8 faves · 2 comments · Sep 2, 2012 10:36am






wittywriter2 · 1 decade ago
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lost* · 1 decade ago
I really like your story so far:)
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