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Six feet under
Deep in the ground
This is where I lay
All safe and sound
My eyes don't open
My heart doesn't beat
A cold, lifeless body
From my nose to my feet
Don't cry for me
As you stand over my grave
My wish was fullfilled
It was death that I craved
Don't wish for me back
For I am long gone
You thought I was happy
But I was sad all along
A broken little soul
Depressed and alone
But I smiled so lovely
Whoever could have known?
If my absense saddens you
If it brings any pain
Remember that this was my choice
I had no happiness to gain
I am now nothing but memories
With this stone above my head
Mommy, aren't you proud?
Your little girl is dead.
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Six feet under Deep in the ground This is where I lay All safe

16 faves · Sep 1, 2012 12:47am






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