Witty Profiles

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Chapter Twenty -Four

"It is pretty crazy," Austin says from behind me. "I mean, I met you, and it's weird if I can even go an hour without thinking about you."
"Austin," I get up. "I should go..." I run home. It's not that far, and I'm expecting Austin to drive after me. He doesn't. I lay in my bed until I fall asleep. 

"Come on, you're driving me to school, wake up." Lucas storms into my room. It's been three days, and I have yet to talk to Austin. Man, I'm starting to miss him. He hasn't been in school either. I throw my covers off once Lucas knows I'm awake. I get dressed into some black skinny jeans, and a plain top. I do my hair and make up, nothing special, just a loose braid to the side, and regular make-up. I wrap a scarf around my neck, and get on my new UGG's. I go downstairs, eat breakfast, grab my bag, and button up my white peacoat before getting Lucas outside into the car. 
The crisp fall air send a chill down my spine when we get into the car. We drive to get a coffee, and off to school.
"Why hasn't Lilly come over in awhile?" Lucas asks, sipping his coffee.
"I don't know, why? Do you miiiiiiss her?" I laugh. 
"No, I was just wondering. You haven't seen Austin much either."
"Get this, Austin gave me a promise ring." I look at him at the traffic light. 
"Well, you took it right?" He cusses under his breath after burning his tongue.
"No," I sigh. "I didn't...He hasn't said anything since, I kind of avoided him."
"Way to go." Lucas un-buckles as we pull into a parking space. "Now he's probably hear-broooken." He rolls his eyes and gets out of the car. I hit his shoulder, and walk into school. All eyes are on me, just like the first day I came back the last time.
"Do you know what's going on?" I whisper to Lucas. He shrugs, and goes to his class.
A short girl comes up to me, with her lips scrunched. "You." Her high pitched voice squeals at me. "You're the girl who made Austin try to kill himself."
"What?" I look at her. "Is he okay?"
"He's in the hospital, he tried to OD because of you."
I run outside, and get into my car. I speed to the hospital, hitting speeds above 80, in a 35mph zone. I come to a hault in the hospital parking lot, and run inside. A nurse leads me to Austin's room, so close to his last one. I look in the small window of the door, and see Austin holding something.
I quietly open the door, and he looks at me. 
"It was my fault," I break down and begin to cry. "I shouldn't have been so stupid, and said yes."
"Please, Riley..." He says, his voice sounding cold. "Just stop." 
"I'm so sorry..." I wipe my eyes, and head for the door. "I'm so sorry." I fall to the ground. I sit against the wall with my knees against the chest, waiting for a response from Austin.
"I love you, Riley." He finally says, leaving me speechless.



Author's Note: 
I hate to say it, but I've totally lost interest in writing. I've waited so long to do my summer homework, and now I have three days to do it. I'm so sorry, but I will post another story when I'm less stressed, and my puppy isn't getting into everything. Anyways, I'll post the epilogue right after this so I'll be done with this, and can move on to homework, or else I get kicked out of the class. Love you all, and thank you for reading! It means the world to me!

format credit to wordsoirl
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breathe Chapter Twenty -Four "It is pretty crazy,"

7 faves · Aug 27, 2012 9:31pm






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