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Third Dimension

-Chapter Two-
Jen's POV

"WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled. Bree laughed and pulled me into a hug "Does Jenny-kins have a crushie wushie?" I glared and hit her in the face with a pillow "OW!" She grabbed a pillow and said "You. Are. Going. To. Get. IT." She chased me around the room and tackled me to the ground. Then she hit me with a pillow over and over again. But it's Britt. So it didn't hurt, I giggled and pushed her off.
I didn't realize it but the other contestants were watching us and laughing. I blushed and stood up while Britt giggled along with them. I looked over and saw a girl with long curly red hair, she was reading a comic book. I smiled and walked over to her.
"H-Hi." I greeted.
"... Hello." She looked up at me shyly.
We're both shy!
"What comic book is that?"
"I-It's Marvel.." she said as she slightly closed it, i sat down next to her and said "Do you have any more? I love Marvel."
"Yo-You read comics?" She asked in disbelief.
"Duh-haha- what kind of nerd would I be if I didn't like me some Marvel?"
She smiled, it was a really pretty smile, "Here." She tossed me one from her book bag and we started reading together, it's funny, but as we read, we learned a lot about each other.
"What's your name? I'm Jenna."
"I'm Nicole." She smiled at me.
"Cats or dogs?" I asked.
"Erm, both. Water or soda?"
"Uh, water. But I like tea too. Warm colors or cold colors?"
"Cold. I like baby blue -haha- Winter or Summer?"
"Winter. My birthday is in December."
"Woah, me too!" She said with a big smile. I giggled and said "Sounds like we have a lot in common." She closed her Marvel comic and said "It's kind of late, want to head out and get some dinner?"
"Sure, let me grab my glasses."
My glasses were black and really big, kinda like 3D glasses, or hipster.. i don't know. Nicole and I walked out of the house making sure we didn't wake anyone up and then we headed to Mcdonalds because it's cheap and it was closer.
"So," Nicole started "Do you have a crush on Louis?" I coughed "Shhh! We're walking on the streets Nikki! What if the paparrazzi were out?" I yelled in a whisper. She rolled her eyes and said "I'll take that as a yes, are you going to text him or call him any time soon?" I sighed and looked at my hand.
"I guess."
She smirked "Might wanna hurry before someone else catches his eye." I grumbled and she giggled.
We walked into Mcdonalds and ordered two vanilla milkshakes, two large fries and a twenty piece chicken nugget thing. We sat down at a table and began eating.
"So," I started after taking a bite of one of the chicken nuggets. "Do you, like anyone?" I asked.
"Err, I, ehh, I should probably tell you, I'm, er, a lesbian." She confessed as she looked away and took a long sip of the milkshake. I blinked and said "So? I don't care about stuff like that, is there anyone you like?"she looked up, almost in shock and smiled "Yes, I do.. but she.. there's no way she'd ever like me."
"Well why not?" I asked.
"She's not into girls."
I sighed and said "Oh, but, can't you confess to her anyway?" She smiled again "I guess I could." We continued eating and then there was a flash, Nicole and I turned around and saw the papparazzi. They were flashing photo's like crazy, and I have no idea why, we aren't even famous!
"What's it like being Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend?" One of them shouted.

Author's Note: I kinda wrote this a while ago.. and I was hyped up on sugar with my best friend. So it's not amazing but it will get better.
Format by Yayrey
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Third Dimension -Chapter Two- Jen's POV "WHAT THE HELL?"

3 faves · Aug 26, 2012 1:31am






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