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Chapter Twenty -Three

"Oh my gosh," I jump when he comes back. "You scared me." 
"Sorry," He laughs, and pulls a tiny box from his pocket. He sits me down on the blanket, and has me untie the ribbon on the box. It has a little note saying 'one last surprise'. 
"Is this an engag-" I begin to ask.
"It's a promise ring, to promise you're the only one for me, and I'm the only one for you."
"Austin," I look up at him. "We're seniors in high-school now, after this year you know I'm leaving, you're leaving too."
"And I'll pray like h*ll that we'll end up with each other."
"I just, I just don't know." I stand up. I get in Austin's car, and watch him pick up all the tea-lights, and fold up the blanket. He hucks the journal after tearing a few pages out. He drives me home, and I go upstairs silently. I don't say a word, I don't text anyone, I just sit in my bed, looking at my empty finger.
Should there be a ring there?
Austin's been my savior, he's done everything for me. He's perfect...Like Lilly said, I'm his Allie, he's my Noah. Even though he's one of the stars of the football team, he's not a tool like his friends, he doesn't act different around his family or friends, he's himself. The way his brown hair almost covers his eyes sends chills down my spine. His eyes get me wondering what he's thinking when he kisses me. 
I lay down on my bed, and fall asleep.

I wake up in the morning, and take a quick shower. I dry and straighten my hair. I put on a reddish-pink baggy sweatshirt, and some light skinny jeans. I tug on some shoes, and walk over to the park. I see the pages of Austin's journal still on the ground, wet from the morning dew. I pick it up, and see what page it is.
On the page is written 'And today, I'll tell her she's the one, and I want to be with her forever'. One other page says, 'I bought a ring today. Scared to give it to her, she's so perfect, why would she even like me? I'm going to the park tonight to give it to her, tonight is the night that we'll be committed, forever.' 
I fold up the pages and find his journal. When I'm picking it up, I hear someone walking up to me.
"Littering is a fine," Lilly says. 
"It's Austin's." I turn around. 
"Oh," She turns to walk away. 
"Lilly, wait. Listen. You're my best friend, but you left. I had no one to turn to, so I went to Austin. He was there for me that night, I read in his journal how he went looking for me all d*mn night to make up with me, and last night, I ruined it. Why? Because I'm stupid." I fall down to the ground crying. 
"What happened last night?" 
"He offered me a ring, and I was too stupid to not take it." 
"You still want it?" Austin comes up behind me. He sits, well, kneels down next to me, and pulls out the box.  I wipe the tears from under my eyes. Lilly walks home, not saying a word to me. She texts me saying ''Moving tonight, so much for a girls day. Don't talk to me, ever again.' 
"I throw my phone down, and watch the screen shatter. 
"All this for love," I say to myself, forgetting Austin is still there. "It's crazy how you meet a person and they change your whole life forever."


Author's Note: 
I'm so sorry I haven't written! I've been so distracted lately... Again, I'm so sorry. But, I hope you guys liked it. I'll hopefully add another chapter tomorrow, and that will be the last chapter, then I'll write the epilogue. Hope you liked it, love you all! Comment for the next chapter.

http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=57296833 (Riley's Outfit)

format credit to wordsoirl
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breathe Chapter Twenty -Three "Oh my gosh," I jump

8 faves · 3 comments · Aug 25, 2012 9:10pm






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