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Can someone give me advice on soothing cramps?

cuz this is really hurting -.-

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Can someone give me advice on soothing cramps? cuz this is really

3 faves · 6 comments · Aug 24, 2012 8:35pm






olives · 1 decade ago
Midol, IBprodin, ice pack or hot pad if it's your back, for some people running apparently helps, laying down and if none of those work i'm so sorry
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JanelleMareeForever98 · 1 decade ago
IBPROFEN OR MIDOL... and lay down with either a hot pack or heating pad... something like that :) OH, and eat bland foods (like bread) and bananas also helpp (:
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music_is_forever1 · 1 decade ago
I take some sort of pain reliever, like ibuprofen, and then i drink a tall glass of ice water. believe it or not, it helps.
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Kailey♥* · 1 decade ago
I just use Advil. Screw all that stuff below vvv
just try Advil, that's what I do. it works pretty quick.
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BJxlover1999 · 1 decade ago
I'd try laying on your back on a bed or couch with a heating pad on your stomach and taking some medicine, i usually take aleeve or moltrin. Or try curling in a ball with water and a heating pad, lol the heating pad really works
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MyNameIsUnimportant · 1 decade ago
Eat some bananas (the potassium), use heating pads, take a few warm baths, and take the maximum dosage of Pamprin or Midol!(:
Cramps suck, lol. I get 'em really bad, and if I do all this then I can still function. c;
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