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                                                                                                   Stole   My   Heart 
                                   Chapter Thirty-Two
                             Sorry the last chapter was supposed to be
                                                                        chapter thirty One:)                   

Harry's P.O.V.
"Chloe!" I heard someone scream before I hit my head on the seat. When I open my eyes I see Chloe on a stretcher her eyes closed with a mask on and being rushed into an ambulance. Her face with cuts all over it and a giant one on the left side of her forehead. Louis had a few cuts but us in the back only have bad whiplash. We were all rushed to the hospital. The doctor checked me out, then Liam, then Alyssa, then Zayn, then Niall, and then Louis. Chloe was rushed to the E.R. The doctor gave us pain releivers and we all wait for the news on Chloe. The doctor told us she wouldn't be waking up tonight. I bit my lip and said "I'll stay with her"
"I will too!"everyone says.
"Okay, I'll pull out some cots for you guys" said the nurse and she walked down the hallways. When the nurse came back I asked if I could go see her. She nodded and led me to a door. She opened it and my heart fell looking at Chloe lying on the bed with tubes entering her body just to keep her alive. She looked so calm in her sleep. I walked over to her and held her hand. "I know you can't hear me right now, but if you do, I'm sorry for what happened. I love you and I never meant for anything like this to happen. I can't imagine how much pain you were in when you flew right through that windshield." tears pricked at my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I leaned my forehead on her hand and let the tears flow. I looked up and she just layed there motionless except for her breathing. I looked at her face, bandages everywhere. I held her hand not wanting to ever let go. I promised her I'd always be here for her by putting that ring on her, and I wasn't going to break that promise. After an hour of waiting beside her Louis came up and said to come eat. I kissed her hand and followed him out the door. We all sat in silence at the hospital caffeteria table. Louis cuts on his hands was trying to eat but it hurt to much to flex his hands. Alyssa with a black eye and cuts on her cheek, Niall with major whiplash, Zayn cuts on his face and Liam a broken wrist. I looked around at the table. It was silent until Louis spoke up "If only I turned the car maybe that wouldn't have happened!" he was angry at himself. He got up and ran his uninjured hand through his hair. "It's not you're fault Lou" I say. "It was that drivers fault.."
He sat down again and nodded. "Well I'm gonna go to bed now.. pain releivers kicking in". says Liam getting up.
We all agree with him and get up. We walk to the room thet nurse gave us and layed in the cots. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't with the thought of Chloe in that room by herself. I get up and carry my blankets to her room. I quietly sit down beside her in the chair and hold her hand again. Eventually I started to fall asleep and once I did my dream was all about the car crash.
I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see a nurse. "Hmm?" I say trying to open my eyes. "She's waking up." she says.
I get up quickly and see the boys and Alyssa standing there too. I walk over to them and stand inbetween Louis and Liam. I watch as she opens her eyes slowly, she blinks a few times and looks around like she's confused. "Chloe, hun, you were in a car accident, you're in the hospital right now" says the nurse calmly.
Chloe looks at us and leans her head sideways. She blinks slowly as if it's a dream."Hi Alyssa" she says in a soft voice.
"Hi Chloe." Alyssa says walking towards her slowly.
"What happened to you?" asks Chloe her voice cracking.
"Chloe- I- I was in the car accident with you" she says.
"Oh" says Chloe looking down "Why are they here?" says Chloe pointing at us.
"Chloe don't you remember us?" I ask.
She squints her eyes a tiny bit and bites her lip.

"No..who are you?"

Heyy guys! I know sad stuff. Cried while writing this haha enjoy!
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Stole My Heart Chapter Thirty-Two Sorry the last chapter was

4 faves · Aug 21, 2012 6:08pm






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