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My Winter Bucket List

Ok, my sequel to My Summer Bucket List will be starting soon, and I'm going to need a few more characters. So, I would love it if some of you guys signed up for characters?
So, if you could fill out the following in the comments, I would be eternally grateful.

Age: (I may change this)
Describe yourself in three words:
One Favourite Band:

Okie dokie, if you'd fill that out, I'd love you for it. The characters chosen will be family members of Tessa & Thalia - the twins who are new to the school. Thankyou. I'll message you if you've got a character :)
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My Winter Bucket List Ok, my sequel to My Summer Bucket List

2 faves · 3 comments · Aug 12, 2012 1:15pm






just_me13 · 1 decade ago
almost 15
too quiet for my own good, art, sailing, average, doesnt stand out (sorry way more than 3 words but ya haha)
my eyes aren't just one color, they're mostly hazel but like the in ring is browner and then one of them has a lot of blue so thats cool.. long brownish hair with natural blonde highlights, not too tan, freckles, not stick thin but not fat, ...
haha uhmm i don't have a favorite band but i like a lot of random different people from different genres
but i don't know if you're still looking for characters....you probably aren't but i thought hey! ya know?
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littlemertz2 · 1 decade ago
Samantha 13 outgoing artistic flirty blonde long hair, blue eyed, kinda tan, thin, brad paisley, toby kieth, all country bands
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Ellmo · 1 decade ago
Age: 13. 14 soon[:
Caring, Flirty, Energetic (at times..)
Brown a little past the shoulder length hair, blue eyes, sorta tall, sorta thin, etc.
One Direction or Train.. I dunno which one i like better[: haha Please pick me I loooveeedd Summer Bucket List. xx
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