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Strange New Beginning
Chapter 15

When I got to school the next morning everyone and everything was quiet. I guess that everyone was thinking about the two people that went missing again, or even wondering if they were next. As I walked to my locker usually I would get a look from everyone, but today it was like I didn’t exist either that or everyone had gotten over the fact that I’m the new kid and they had gone back to there every day lives. I got my books out of my locker and went to class. I sat down and pretended like I was listening to the teacher but I really wasn’t, I was more wondering where Ricky was. I hadn’t seen him all morning and he is in my maths class but he isn’t here. The bell rang and I went to the back of the oval and sat down with my lunch.
“Hey” Oh thank god Ricky.
“Hey where have you been?” I decided to ask him
“I was at home, not feeling too well today”
“Oh then why did you come now?”
“I’m feeling a little bit better so mum made me”
“Ok cool” I said. Then we sat down together on the grass and had lunch. After about 5 minutes of not talking about anything Ricky decided to break the silence
“So Meg, do you have a boyfriend?”
“I’m not sure if this guy is my boyfriend or not really. Why do you ask?”
“Oh I was just wondering, why aren’t you sure if this guy’s your boyfriend nor not?”
“He hasn’t talked to me in a while and every time I do talk to him it’s only for 5 minutes. Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Na not yet. Not really focusing on that this year, I mean with all of the stuff that has been going on lately.”
“Yeah I suppose.”
Ding Ding Ding
“Time for class. Again. What have you got?” I asked Ricky
“I’ve got chemistry. What about you?”
“I’ve got Psychology”
“See you after school?”
“Yeah maybe” I said and walked off in a different direction to where Ricky was going.

Authors note: sorry it has taken a while to post this. i've been really busy


F o r m a t : B u s t e d G i r l x x x

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Strange New Beginning Chapter 15 When I got to school the next

1 faves · Aug 12, 2012 3:12am






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