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i could say itwice



"You look really pretty," a voice says behind me. I spin around to see Jette standing there. I look past her, trying to see who said that, because it sure wasn't her.

"You can say thank you," she says. 

"I was looking around to see who to thank, because even though you were the only person who I can hear, it's really out of character of you to say that. But thank you." I smile kindly, which is like  trying to sleep on a cactus, or piercing my eyelids. 

"You're welcome," she says, back to her snobby voice.

"You do too," I say.

"Whatever." she snaps. I think she's going to leave, but she doesn't.

"You always look pretty," I mutter.

"What?" her voice is surprised, and not b/tchy. 

"Nothing." She gapes at me, then prances away to find some guy to dance with. Then I realize who the guy is: Jace. Good, this is a good test for him. I watch as they dance together for a while, but when she gets too close he turns away. She tries again, a little ruffled at being rejected, but he pushes her back. I see her expression turn angry and her lips move, but I don't have to read them, I can hear her; she's yelling. 

"What's your problem? I'm just trying to have some fun!"

"Well we had fun dancing and not touching. I don't know about you, but I stay loyal to the people I love." Me. Me! He means me! Oh. Aww. No. Not aww. Not yay! he means me. You have to break his heart, remember? I remind myself. But hearing that makes me... feel... guilty. Like I don't want to. But then I think of his voice calling me "too fat for the planet" and "baby elephant" and saying "I love you" and wonder how he could possibly think all three phrases could come out of his mouth towards the same person. 

"Who? Who's the lucky girl?!" Jette spits out the words lucky and girl like venom.

"I'm not telling you." He says he loves me but when facing someone popular he's ashamed? I'm about to storm up to him and tell him off when I hear him continue: "If I do, you'll make her life miserable - more than you already have." 

"Ooooh-hoo-hoo-hoooooohhhh. So you won't touch other girls, but you can't even let other people know you're dating? Sounds like someone's ashaaaaamed..." she drawls like an eight-year-old girl." 

"Nope. I'll tell you if I can get her permission first." At first I think he's gonna come over and talk to me, but then my phone buzzes. I check it, and after seeing his name I know what it's going to say.

But when I read it, I'm wrong. 'Will you meet me in the bathroom?'

'....uhhh... sure...?' I don't know what he's planning... but I go to the bathroom, and see him standing there. 

"I wanted to ask you - in person - if you'd be my girlfriend." 

"Umm... yeah... sure." I'm a little hesitant. It seems like things are moving too fast.

"You don't sound sure." 

"I'm not. It seems like things are moving really fast..."

"Oh. Yeah I guess they kinda are." He gives me a crooked smile, and I almost change my mind looking at him to saying 'Yes! Yes, of course!', but I stop myself. "How about we go on a date tomorrow?" he asks me.

"Hmmm... I don't know, I might have to clean up this party... and then I'll be really tired..." I give him a sly grin, not wanting to let him off too easy, but not wanting to chase him away before I rip him to shreds.

"Fine. Sunday?" 

I shake my head. "Nope, church, and time with my mom."

"Okay, then Monday?" 

I sigh. "I guuueeeessssssssss." But I give him a peck on the forehead to let him know that I'm kidding. 

"So I don't know if you heard and saw Jette and me, but - " I cut in before he can ask me.

"Yeah I did. You can tell her I suppose. But tell her we're not dating." He gives me a quizzical look, but then it changes to understanding. "Yeahh, cause you'd be lying if you say otherwise," I tell him, winking. He pulls me in for a kiss - or, rather, pushes me against the wall - and holds me against him for what seems like an eternity. I'm not surprised to feel sparks, but I am surprised to find that there are a lot. I kiss him more deeply, strong with fiery passion - as much as I can muster - and then suddenly break away, leaving him love drunk and desperately longing for more.


I dance with Macey and John for a while, and then when a slow song comes on, Macey grabs John, and I look around for Jace. Not because I want to dance with him or anything, it's a perfect chance to lure him in even deeper. I finally spot him, but he's dangling from the fishing pole of - of course - Jette. He sees me and gives me a desperate look, but she places both hands on his face and turns his head towards her. Some guy cuts between my vision of them to dance with me. He places one hand on my rear, and the other finds its way to my chest. I'm distracted trying to find Jette and Jace that I don't even protest when the guy starts kissing my neck, but when I realize what he's doing, I wriggle out of his intrusive grip - just in time to see Jette wrapping herself around Jace and shoving her tongue down his throat.




I'll be back from vacation on the 18th! I can still log in on my tablet, but I can't post anything new ): sorry. But, I made up for my vacationing this past month by posting 9 chapters in two days(: and I made this one nice and long ( sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger>:) )


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8 faves · 1 comments · Aug 10, 2012 6:39pm






flossydossy · 1 decade ago
Gah ! I need more!
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