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Eye of the Tiger
Chapter 2

"Oliver! No stop!" No matter how hard I screamed, Oliver kept attacking me. Teetch riping my flesh and the smell of blood stings my nose. I hear a pop and Oliver was down. I saw my dad over me crying and saying me name. I tried to respond but nothing came out. Next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hosptial with a tube in my arm. I see my dad and instantly he was at my side.

"Dad, where's Oliver?"
"Who is Oliver?"
"The tiger."
"Holly, he's being put down. He attacked you and we can't have that happen again. To anyone."

No! They can't do this to my best friend! Sure he attacked me, it was a mistake. They can't take away my olny best friend! My heart tore in two. Noo...

I rippded off all the tubes and chords and ran out the hospital, dodging all the hands trying to grab me. I run and run. I never knew my legs were so storng, but I guess it's because I need to save my best friend.

Eventually I reach the edge of the forest. I see a guy with a gun and just as he was about to shoot Oliver, I screamed,"Leave him alone!" I run up to Oliver and hug him by his neck. The man gasps and freezes. Oliver hugged me back and licked my face. Like he was saying sorry. I looked in his eyes and they were telling me to go. "I'm not leaving him. I'm not leaving you Oliver. I forgive you."

I Look at the man just as my father and a few police officers arrived. I stood up in front of Oliver. "If he dies, I die too. He is my best friend."

The man says, "Okay then," and points the gun at me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear the pop. I didn't feel anything. I open my eyes to see my dad was shot dead. "Dad, no!" The police tackle and arrest the man. They give me time to cry over my dad's dead body. He was protecting me. Oliver wrapped a paw around me and hugged me. I cried into his maine. Suddenly, I was pulled away.

"Time to go sweetie."
"Noo!" There was nothing I could do, He had a hard grip on me. I stared back in Oliver's eyes, like I was saying "I will come back and I will find you." He nods and sits there watching me leave. Watching his best friend just simply walk away.

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Eye of the Tiger Chapter 2 "Oliver! No stop!" No matter

2 faves · Aug 9, 2012 8:58pm






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