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HOW can you tell if you have a REAL friend???

Fake friends:never ask for food Real friends:Are the reason you have no food Fake friends:call your parents Mr./Mrs. Real friends:call them mom and dad Fake friends: Bail you out of jail telling you it was wrong Real friends:are sitting next to you saying: that was awesome! Fake friends:Have never seen you cry Real friends:Cry with you Fake friends:Knock on your front door Real friends:Just walk in like they live there Fake friends: Talk bad about the person who talks bad about you Real friends: would knock them out Fake friends:would borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back Real friends:would borrow your stuff for so long that they forget that its yours Fake friends:would help you up if you fell Real friends:would jump on top of you saying "Pile on!" Fake friends: would ignore this Real friends:would re-post this Fake friends: are a while Real friends:: are forever

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HOW can you tell if you have a REAL friend??? Fake friends:never

1 faves · Aug 9, 2012 4:39pm






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