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My Happy Ending
{{Savannah's Point of View}}
~Five Years Earlier~

"Class!" Mrs. Peterson called as she walked in the room, her floor-length skirt swaying against her ankles.
"Yes Mrs. Peterson." The class sighed. I sat back in my seat, my long blonde hair flowing off of my shoulders.
"Today we will be having a new student join our class. He should be here any minute." Mrs. Peterson said as she scrambled throughout the classroom.
The class went back to chatting and goofing off.
"Savannah! Have you seen the new kid yet?" My best friend Jasmine asked.
I turned my head and looked into her big blue eyes. "Nope. He's probably like the new kid we had last time. Into all of the stupid wizard stuff." I said, uninterested.
"He might not be 'Van. He might not be." She said as the new kid walked in, lead by the principal.
The classroom suddenly got dead silent and all eyes went to the new kid.
I was the last one to turn my head to the front of the room. I stared in awe at the boy.
He had dark brown curly hair, piercing green-gray eyes, and a dazzling smile.
"Class this is our new student, Garret Nells. So Garret, tell us a little bit about yourself." Mrs. Peterson said as she positioned herself on her stool.
"Well, I just moved here from Vermont and I play football and I have an older sister." I didn't even pay attention to a word he said. I just sat and stared. "SAVANNAH!" Jasmine harshly whispered in my ear, making me jump.
"What Jas'?" I whispered under my breath. "You were staring!" She stated as Garret was seated by the teacher. I felt my face get hot. Was I really staring?

{{Hey everyone! This story will not be told from a fifth graders point of view throughout the whole story FYI. Only in this chapter. Comment to be notified for the next chapter and the rest of the story!}}

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My Happy Ending ♥ Prologue {{Savannah's Point of View}}

3 faves · 1 comments · Aug 6, 2012 7:28pm






sexy_zebra · 1 decade ago
could you notify me for the chapters?
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