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The Stress Test



I look down to cease the awkwardness, and I see my hands with stitches all over them. I just can’t handle it anymore. A big fat tear rolls down my face. I sob. And sob. I weep like a little baby. Andrew is holding me. I weep for about 30 minutes. Andrew tries to calm me down. The nurse comes in. “Visiting hours are over darling,” she says. I scream. “Anne I love you.” Says Andrew. We hug each other, And he leaves. “Its dinna time,” The nurse says. The nurse is a old black woman, and I love her accent. She holds out her hand for it to be held. “Now Hold my hand darling,” she says. I hold it as we walk down the hall. We are now in the cafeteria. I see mental people here. A man is screaming and nurses are holding him down on the floor. I now see another nurse running to the man with a needle in her hand. She sticks it in his throat. “I don’t belong here.” I think. I get my meal. It looks like pig slop. “Now for a place to sit,” I say. I look around and see a boy, who looks familiar. “Jay?” I think. Jay is a boy that goes to my school. We only talk a little. I walk to his table and sit beside him. His Eyes light up in surprise.


“Hey Anne.” He says






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The Stress Test ~6~ I look down to cease the awkwardness, and

0 faves · Aug 3, 2012 9:43am




