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Alright soo... today i had to break-up wid all the ppl for da summer holidays but i wont see half of dem ever again.. cuz dey aint going to da same school as i am in sept so today when i camed out of my class wid tears dropping down my friend (boy) dat i always kick around each oder or stay for detention together... walked up to me and hugged me.. i was like o.O but den i srsly relised dat i always fancyed him.. so i hugged him back... and as me and my best friend were walking away i just looked behind me to see him der standing in da middle of da school in dat rain looking at me... and wid his eyes watering... hmm what can i do? i srsly miss him... i just hope dat i will be able to see him again... god plz... plees let me see him again... i wont survive dis... i miss all my friends... it will be hard to move on to a higher grade no more messing around... but dis is time to be more serious... but as if i ever was?... well last year when i begged for dis boy to ask me out since i was like 7 and it finaly happen... but it showed me dat its sumtimes better for a thing not to happen  cuz u never know... dey might cheat on u... use u and more.. soo i hope dat u will think about it twice before making a decicion... am sorry about my spelling but am crying and everything is blury : / if u need help wid anything i would love to help u out so message me or anything :'(
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~~~~TRUE STORY DAT HAPPEN TO ME~~~~~ Alright soo... today i had

1 faves · Jul 20, 2012 5:08pm






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