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Lassa's P.O.V

I ran my black painted fingernails though my glossy blond hair. I was late for school, again, as usual. Good thing today was Friday. I got out of bed and put my hair up in a messy bun with my front bangs down. I took out my makeup bag and applied my eye-liner and put my contacts in. Looking in the mirror, I saw I girl that wasn't pretty, but wasn't ugly, either.
I walked back to my closet and took out a pretty blue sundress, brown wedges, and a pair of sun glasses. After I put everything on, I took my light out and walked outside into the warm, sunny garden in front of my house. I thought about going to school, but I decided to ditch and go shopping.
Walking in my neighborhood was like walking in a city of flowers and the sweetest people ever imagined. I was glad I lived here, safe and sound in my brick house.
By myself.
I didn't have a car, I usually walked everywhere I went. So that was dangerous, but in a safe town. I walked down the sidewalk by the salons and little gift stores and trinket carts. I was offered to buy a lot of things, but being me I rejected because I didn't have the most money ever. This week I knew One Direction was going to be here, but I didn't know when. I never really liked One Direction, so that's why I'm shopping today.
I walked into a little store filled with flowers and sparkly things, it was very pretty and neat, so I didn't touch anything that was really expensive. I saw a huge glass L and ran over to it. It was beautiful, sparkly clean with a little bit of glitter on it. I was in awe.
Me being me, I picked it up and looked at the price. 33 dollars, wow. For this? That was cheap. I turned to my right and bumped into a boy with sparkly blue eyes and blonde hair. He was apologizing for bumping into me.
''No, no, it was my fault. I'm sorry," I said awkwardly.
''I'm not going to argue with you, miss. But for you bumping into me, I guess I could buy you that L," He said. I looked closely at him and it hit me. It was Niall Horan from One Direction, wanting to buy me something.
''Um, okay, thanks, I guess. I'm Lassa."
"Niall. From One Direction, haha, of course you'd probably know."
''Oh, yea, um, I know. My friend loves you and the boys," I said and smiled.
''By friend, you mean you?" He said. His accent was adorable.
''I'm really not the biggest fan, but yea I guess."
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Lassa's P.O.V I ran my black painted fingernails though my glossy

3 faves · Jul 19, 2012 8:19pm






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