Witty Profiles

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I sat in English, bored out of my mind, listening to the teacher drone on about something or other, when suddenly, the door swung open. In walked one of the guidance helpers, she was holding a pass oh god, please be me! I wanna get outta here! I thought. Sure enough, the girl walked over to me and placed the pass on my desk. “As soon as possible” she instructed. My teacher glanced at me and nodded, signaling that I could go down.
I walked down the hall, pulling my sleeve down as I walked. My mind, racing with thoughts. Oh god. He knows. He knows I cut. Oh god. I  finally reached the door, where the councilor was standing. “Good morning, Katie!” He exclaimed chirpily.
“Good morning Mr. Carl” I said plainly. I looked him over. He was a stout, middle aged man.  His head was bald except for a single patch in the very middle that looked like chicken hair. I couldn’t take him seriously… we walked into his office and he shut the door behind him. “Katie, I assume you already know why you’re here?” he spoke.
“Not really?” I replied                                                                                                           
“Pull up your sleeve, Katie.” He instructed me.
“Oh… that…”
“Why’d you do it, Katie?” He asked.
“I was sad and angry and upset.” I said snappily.
“I see, well, some people cope like that and if you really wanna do it, then you’re going to keep doing that. However, I believe that you should find a  different outlet.” He suggested
“Okay… I’ll try. Can I go back to English now?” I asked.
“Sure. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.” He told me. I nodded and walked out the door. I turned the corner in the hallway and  BAM!! I ran right into Joel.
“Hey, Kates!” he laughed, “Fancy running into you here… get it? Because you ran into me?” he laughed again.
My face turned bright red “Oh yeah… sorry… I wasn’t paying attention… ugh.  I just got out of guidance… Mr. Carl…” I explained
“Ugh! That sucks! What’d he say?” He interrogated.
“Basically, he told me that I was gonna keep cutting if I wanted too and he couldn’t do anything about it so I might as well…”
“What??? Man, he should definitely win guidance councilor of the year!”  He said sarcastically.
“yeah, well I’ve gotta get back to English, my teacher will flip if I’m not back soon.”
“oh… ok… well, um, I’ll text you tonight…” he said.
“ok!” I replied, seeming a bit too desparate. I turned to go, and he shouted after me.
“Hey! Kates, this might be weird, but I kind of really like you!” He called.
“I like you too.” I told him. I looked back at him, smiled, and then proceeded to walk down the hall.
Suddenly, I realized that I was forgetting about Isaiah. This boy was gonna be good for me. I smiled to myself as I walked back into my English class.  
The end.
Dedicated to L.J., Kelly, And James <3 thanks you guys. love you!
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, CHAPTER EIGHT. I sat in English, bored out of my mind, listening

4 faves · Jul 13, 2012 6:10pm






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