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Who Are You?

Chapter 11

She could see the hurt in my eyes and she hugged me. It felt nice, like I was holding the world in my palm. She released me and then kissed my cheek. Wait, I'm confused.

"Come on. Let's go."
"I don't know. Somewhere. We can change our names, start a life, get married possibly. Maybe have kids-"
"We can't stay here!"
"I-I can't say... come on Xavier-"
"Olivia, stop! No more games! Tell me what's going on!"
"I can't!"
"Then I can't see you anymore! I hate you!"
"I hate you too!"

And that was our first fight.

I stared at her one last time, before I turned away from her sad and angry face, and began walking. I had no idea where I was going. I was so angry and heartbroken. Next thing I know, I am running. I, eventually, reach the highway. I continue walking.

After about 3 hours, I come to a sign.

'Kentucky border line 3 miles'

Kentucky? Where the hell am I? I am so lost.

I was miles from home. I was broke. I had no food or water.

I keep walking until I come to an alley. I see a pretty decent size box.

"Guess I have to camp out here for the night..."

I find a jacket to use as a pillow and make the box as comfortable as possible. No matter how hard I tried and tossed and turned, I couldn't get comfortable. That was the most sleepless night I have ever gotten.

As I lay there, it being around 3:00am, I think to myself, Where in my life did I go wrong to deserve this? Sigh.


(Comment, concerns, complaints, compliments? Thanks, loves. And thanks for bearing with me since the last time I posted. Things have been hectic. I'm good now.)
~Spoiler Alert!~ I try to start a fire to cook the can of peas I found in the street, when I hear, "Xavier, I'm sorry." I glance behind me to see... "Not you, again! "

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Who Are You? Chapter 11 She could see the hurt in my eyes and

5 faves · 1 comments · Jul 11, 2012 12:20am






swimmyshark · 1 decade ago
good plot line.. but the font is REALLY huge......
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