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trying to get the world to accept you for who you are. When your still trying to learn to accpet yourself. Will there ever be a day when I can come out of the closest? I dont wanna be ashamed I wanna accpet it, accpet myself so I can be happy so I can move on but I'm afraid I'll lose the ones i love most. My family. I want them to meet the one girl I fall asleep thinking about and wake up smiling becasue of. The one I call my boo because not only do I love her but because shes my world. Yes Im young. yes I may not know alot about love but I know shes the only that gives me hope for tomarrow. The only one that lets me know its ok to fall asleep, tomarrow the sun will come up and shine and she'll be right their next to me to watch. I want my parents to accpet me but how? one day im gunna wake up from this nightmare and tell the world to scoot over! in the mean time wish me luck and be ready..
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trying to get the world to accept you for who you are. When your

4 faves · Jul 10, 2012 1:17am






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