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My Boobear<3
he is the most perfect boyfriend(:
People say nobody's perfect, but he is. 
He tells me im beautiful, gorgeous, and every sweet thing in the book(:
The best thing is, is that i know he means everything he says.
He is going to be moving  2,336 miles away in less than a year:/
But he made me a promise that we will try long distance.
Many say that long distance never works but that is not true...How can people say that, there are many service men and wemon out there that have family further away and they last all the time.
He also said that if we do break up we will stay friends and hes going to move out here when hes 18 so we can be together(:
When he does move the thing im going to look forward to the most is the....
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My Boobear<3 he is the most perfect boyfriend(: People say

3 faves · 1 comments · Jul 9, 2012 7:28pm






markc0120 · 1 decade ago
We wouldve done it<3 your always in my heart mykayla you know that. Your my inamorata and always will be maybe we can try again in the future:)
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