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What a directionator at my school is doing:
 Omg I'm going to a one direction concert and meeting Harry my future boyfriend! He is totally the best member of the band i mean like OMG Niall and 'lewis' shouldnt be in the band he doesnt even have or deserve as much solos as my beautifull harry. Directioner all the wayyyy! :)

What I'm doing :
Listening to Up All Night and belting out all the words to every song.  Posting pics on instagram and tumblr of my 5 future boyfriends. Niall and LOUIS should get more solos but their voices could get me pregnant ...... the risks i take for the boys.


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What a directionator at my school is doing: Omg I'm going

6 faves · Jul 1, 2012 6:05pm






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