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About   a   month   ago,
My science teacher walked to the front of the room and told us if their was one thing we could remove from everyones body/personality what would it be? I thought about it. And I started writing the essay about it. I wrote about how if everyone was just nice to everyone, how much better the world could be. I wrote about how people hurt people because of their own insecirities and pain. I wrote how bullying affects people. How people cut, and commit suicide from peoples words and actions. I even wrote about my personal expieriences with this issue. After I finished writing six paragraphs about this very topic I passed in the paper to my teacher, and sat down and proceeded to watch him read it. I wanted to see his reaction. I watched as his eyebrows went up and a thoughtful expression crossed his face. When he finally reached the end of the paper, he picked it up, handed it back to me, and said,
"I agree 100% with every word you just wrote." 

I found out today I got an A± on the project.

{♥} If you are against bullying.

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About a month ago, My science teacher walked to the front of

8 faves · Jun 23, 2012 12:35am






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