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Sunsets - Chapter 19

"Anthony!" Rosie called, setting her laptop aside and jumping up.
"Rosie!" He grinned and pulled her into a tight hug, picking her off her feet and swinging her around.
When he set her down, Rosie was instantly drawn in by his eyes.
"They're blue," Rosie thought to herself, "blue like the sky. Never forget that."
"I've missed you," Anthony half-whispered,
Rosie opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out; she found herself in a trance, unable to focus on anything but Anthony's features.
His tanned skin, his blue eyes, his white-blonde hair, his gentle smile.
"Remember every little bit of him," she kept thinking, "don't ever forget."
"Rosie?" Anthony said, a bit harsher this time.
Rosie was snapped away from her thoughts, "S-Sorry," she stuttered, "I'm a little scatter-brained."
He smiled, "It's fine."
Anthony linked his hand with Rosie's, "C'mon," he prompted, "let's  go down to the beach."
They walked down the beach, slowly, savoring every step.
When they made it to the water, Rosie's eyes found the blazing sun high in the sky.
A warm wind off the gulf blew her tangled, curly black hair back and she closed her brown eyes, breathing in the scents around her; she smelt the slight amount of salt from the water, suntan lotion from the people around her, and the strongest scent was a mixture of mint and lilac.
Confused, Rosie turned and looked at Anthony; he was smiling out across the water.
Taking a deep breath, Rosie realized the scent was Anthony, "Tony, are you wearing some cologne or something?"
Anthony looked at her and his cheeks flushed, "Uh, y-yes, actually... I um, have a, a surprise for you."
Rosie's heart started beating erratically in her chest, "Well, what is it?"
Anthony looked at his feet for a moment, then grasped Rosie's hand a bit tighter, "Here, it's at my house... I set it up myself."
Rosie tilted her head, but smiled faintly, knowing this must be a compliment and assuming Anthony was one of those people whose always had other people doing their things for them.
"Okay," she said, happy with herself when her voice sounded pleased, yet level.
Smiling even bigger, Anthony began running up the beach to his house, towing Rosie along.
Rosie giggled and squealed as she tripped over things, trying to be girly but hoping she didn't sound like a wimp.
After about five minutes of tripping over each other and clumps of sea weed, the two finally made it to Anthony's house.
Rosie let out of breath, "It's beautiful!"
Anthony chuckled, "You said that the first time you saw it."
Rosie looked at Anthony, confused.
She hadn't seen his house already, had she?
Anthony looked at his feet and cleared his throat, but his voice still came out a bit hoarse, "N-Nevermind. Thanks. Let's just go out back..."
The situation was getting awkward, go Anthony let go of Rosie's hand and opened the large white French doors for her, "Ladies first," he said with a broad smile.
Rosie curtsied and walked into Anthony's home, her shoes clicking on the shining wooden floor.
His house was elaborately decorated, with seashells, beachy themed items and antiques gently lining the wall and floors.
The wood was dark, maybe oak, but the furniture and accents were all bright pastels; yellows and pinks and blues.
"Oh, Tony," Rosie gushed, "it's gorgeous!"
Anthony walked up beside her and smiled.
The two made eye contact and Anthony leaned in, "Really? Because I think the most gorgeous thing in the room," Anthony paused and leaned in a bit more, pulling Rosie close, "is standing right in front of me."
Rosie blushed and felt a tingling sensation go up her spine at the proximity of Anthony.
"Why, th-thank you..."
Then, as Anthony leaned in to kiss her, there was the sound of heels clicking on the floor.
Anthony and Rosie turned and at the same time came face-to-face with another woman.
She screamed.

Okay, a bit of a random ending, but I just wanted to post something and get the end of the story moving, 'ya know? It's got a bit of romance, and then a tiny little cliff hanger, but nothing that you guys will go crazy over. :) I know, i know, its a little boring, but I promise that the ending will be totally worth while. :) Oh, and then a MASSIVE THANK YOU to beary0630 who gave me some fantastic ideas and some encouragement. Thanks a bunch! ;D Also, yes, I know the format changed randomly, but Witty wouldn't let me add this chapter using the old format because it said there was an error with it. -____- I really wanted to post tonight, so I'm giving up and just posting it like this. HOWEVER, I would like comments saying with format you all perfer, this one or the old one? If it's the old one I will continue trying to post using that, otherwise I'll stick with this one. (; ♥ Give me feed-back! -Becca(;

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Sunsets - Chapter 19 "Anthony!" Rosie called, setting

4 faves · Jun 18, 2012 9:30pm






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