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Thousands of Miles & Killer Smiles

Chapter 2: First Day

Beep!: Beep!: Beep! my alarm rang with that dreadful noise. i grimaced as i read the numbers on the small screen... 6:30 AM.  "God, it's way to early" i mumbled to myself as i trudged from my cozy silk sheets and Pokemon blanket. i stretched and looked over to my huge lounge chair where my first day of school outfit sat. i stared at it suspiciously. "Did i really pick that out for the first day of school?" i shook my head in disgust. "It will have to do i guess." eager to get in the shower and feel the warm water trail down my body, i quickly slipped out of my dad's extra large tee shirt and stepped into the shower's steamy enclosure. "Ah, heaven." i said, and smiled to myself. My smile quickly faded as i remembered what day it was. the first day of my junior year of highschool. i groaned, and my shower all of a sudden turned much less enjoyable. i reached for a towel and looked at myself through the fogged up mirror. "Another dissapointing first day," i thought to myself. Would people recognize me, or worse... remember me as the strange girl with wierd eyes?
Now, i have been going to the same, typical highschool for 2 years already, but each year it seemed to be completly different. i never knew what to expect and the nagging and teasing seemed to get worse. Ignoring the outfit i had put aside, i threw on my pair of black and white checkered leggings, dug my favourite Tie-Dyed shirt out from the hamper and threw it on. i studied my reflection in the full body mirror and scoweled at my reflection. "Ew.." i applied my eyeliner and makeup and then threw my mid-back length hair into a bun. i pulled a few stray dreadlocks down and put my favourite assortment of beads onto them. "Well, i guess thats a bit better" i said outloud, and strode downstrairs.


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Thousands of Miles & Killer Smiles Chapter 2: First Day

1 faves · Jun 6, 2012 6:30pm






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