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Confessions of a Teenage Perfectionist
Confession Number Thirteen: I'm used to being alone. 
I didn't know what else to do. So I got up, and got ready like usual. I kept my ears wide open, listening for any signs that he might be at home. Seven o'clock rolled around, and I didn't have time to spare and wait any longer, or I would be late. 
At my locker, Josh sidles up, and without looking at me he fiddles with my lock, humming under his breath.
"So my mom was concerned when she found orange paint behind my ears. Must have missed a spot." He laughs, and glances up to see my reaction. I don't give him one. Just silently put books back on the top shelf. He kicks away my backpack, demanding my attention.
"What happened. Did he hurt you again?" He tries to move my sleeves, but I back away from him and retrieve my bag. 
"I don't have time for this right now." I tell him.
"Time for what?" He asks.
He bangs a fist against the locker next to mine, and rests his head against the vents, frustrated. I see him bite his lip, trying to maintain emotional control. Sometimes I wonder if he has anger issues. 
"I'm sick of this crap Colyssa! One day, we're best friends, and I see you coming out of that, that, SHELL you've made for yourself. The next day it's like nothing happened at all and you've friggin superglued that shell closed! I CAN'T. WIN."
I'm frightened by his sudden outburst, but unwavering.
"What do you want from me Josh? If you plan on somehow changing me, that's not going to happpen. I have a lot of things to do, and I can't have any distractions right now."
"You're always saying that! I don't need this! I don't NEED to be friends with you, in fact, the guys make fun of me for even trying! So why do I, huh? No, don't answer that. I'm sick of this Hot and Cold attitued thing. Forget it, I'm out."
with that, he turns his back on me and walks away. I don't have time to feel the sting of his words. For as soon as he walks away, another hand is on my shoulder. It's Mr.Hansen, the school guidance counselor.
"Excuse me, Colyssa, can we talk in my office for a bit?" 


I've never been in here before. The walls are plain, but plastered with motivating posters, and it's furnished with tons of armchairs . He sits at his desk and puts on a pair of glasses, the kind people use to magnify words or pictures once their eyes get bad. 
"We recieved a call from the Jackson Hospital this morning, you must have just missed it when you left this morning." 
I feel my palms geting sweaty. He pauses. Why is he pausing. Just tell me already, Mr.H, spit it out.
"Your father got into a car accident last night." 
I nod along, waiting for the punch line. 
"He's in intensive care. At this point, they're fairly certain he'll make a full recovery."
I let out a full breath of air, relaxing, and slumping back in the chair. 
"That's not all that I wanted to talk about." He adds, making his voice serious, yet light. A voice I'm sure he's practiced.
"It was apparent he had been drinking. We traced back his wherabouts to Lucky Duck Bar and Grill, and the tender said he was a regular. As in, every single day, leaving intoxicated."
I freeze. Why am I here. What does he want.
"I've been asked to make sure you were aware of this fact, and if everything in your home life is okay."
I nod rapidly, self consciously pulling at my sleeves, getting anxious.  I don't like this man.
"Colyssa, everything you say is said in confidence. I am not at liberty to say, it's between us."
"E-everything's f-f-fine sir, honest." I tell him, losing my cool.
He nods, accepting, "Would you like me to take you to go and see him?"
Stupid man. "I would love that." He escorts me to office, to get a pass to leave. 
Josh spots me on his way to his first hour class. He pauses, if only for a milisecond, but then continues on like he never saw me.
I'm going to the hospital. To see my father. For the first time in years, I'll see him sober. 
I'm scared to death. 

Authors Note: thanks for reading guys! I hope you like it so far, more to come :D anything you want to see happen? I'll consider any input you have :) k thanks, stay awesome, byeee(:
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Confessions of a Teenage Perfectionist Confession Number Thirteen:

8 faves · 2 comments · Jun 3, 2012 9:25pm






rae29dagwr · 1 decade ago
Pleasee continue this story...It's too good to give up on!
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Nigel9086 · 1 decade ago
I LOVED the twist in this one!
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