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I wish I had someone to tell all my feelings to. Someone I can trust. Someone that's going through the same thing. As of right now, there isn't anybody. Nobody to let all my feelings out. There are actually plenty people I could, but nobody that would care, nobody that wouldn't make fun of me or tell someone else, nobody that would understand.
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I wish I had someone to tell all my feelings to. Someone I can

0 faves · 1 comments · May 30, 2012 11:08pm






Cookiethestory · 1 decade ago
"If you ever need to talk you can talk to me"

Lol yeah no, that's stupid and everyone says it. Tell me about your life and I'll help you. Don't tell me about your life and I'll still try and help you and comfort you and whatnot.

Maybe you don't want an internet person who is probably some creeper with a mustache (remember: not every man with a mustache is a pedophile, but every pedophile has a mustache) but I can still try and help you. I saw on some of your other quotes (see? Obviously I'm a stalker) that you feel like ur sister is better than you and that you're the lesser kid. Amah right? Yesh no maybe sho? Well whatever. I'm here to help you if you need anything, and no but seriously, if you need a shoulder to cry on, heck I'll be your internet-sholder-cryer-oner-buddy :3
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